Monday, September 24, 2007

Liam and his Choo Choo's

Just playing with the right "recipe" for encoding for youTube. As you can see in the first few minutes, this might not be the best one!

In The Shadow of the Moon

Needless to say I am absolutely beside myself in anticipation of seeing this film!
I still want to be an astronaut when I grow up! Kids don't say that anymore.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Liam dresses up
Originally uploaded by ianmcc.

The leaves are already down in some places

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Converting Super 8 Film to DVD

Worth watching if only to see Kevie as a lil boy.Aww so cute!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The stars at lunch

This one for my friends at Silly Hall:

Need to escape the rat race for a little while? Or take a break from the corporate grind? Turn your noon hour into an uplifting retreat with Planetarium @ Lunch.

Each Thursday and Friday afternoon at 12:15, you can bask in the tranquility of the current night sky under the Star Theatre’s special 360-degree dome. It’s a great way to learn something new while being highly entertained.

“Watching the stars is a relaxing activity normally reserved for peaceful summer evenings,” explains Scott Young, Manager of Planetarium & Science Gallery Programs. “The Planetarium @ Lunch program can elevate you above your paltry earthly concerns, and give you a relaxation fix before you have to head back to your cubicle.”

Planetarium @ Lunch shows will change on a regular basis, with the focus on programming of interest to adults. Now showing: Thursday - Is Anybody Out There? Friday - The People vs. Pluto. Planetarium @ Lunch shows run on Thursdays and Fridays at 12:15pm, and are approximately 45 minutes long.

Please bring a bag lunch. Admission to Planetarium @ Lunch is $5.

What's Happening

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Saturday, September 15, 2007

Japanese Human Art

Like a low rent version of the Matrix Fight scenes, and then in reverse.

RED camera is shipping!

RED / Index

The more I learn about DV and the technology the more I realize this RED product is HUGE! It has a lot of the Video industry watching and as soon as someone like Adobe supports the RED format with their camera RAW, the still photography world will sit up and take notice. The resoultion is here to take high end frame grabs that will rival files from my D2x

This is the camera I’ve been waiting for my whole career: jaw-dropping imagery recorded onboard a camera light enough to hold with one hand. ...RED is going to change everything.”

- Academy Award winning Director, Steven Soderbergh Director and Cinematographer of Ocean’s Eleven, Traffic and Solaris

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My Kid Could Paint That.

200709121214This film looks interesting. Opening up all questions about modern art and the art world around it, the medi's hunger for a great story and of course, parenting. Watch the trailer and tell me you aren't curious to see this one.

My Kid Could Paint That is a documentary about a 4-year-old girl whose abstract paintings fetched hundreds of thousands of dollars. She was a darling of the media, a target of art critics, and an alleged victim of manipulative parents.

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

10 best Firefox extensions for Firefox

if one looks strictly at browser versions, Firefox 2.0 is the single most widely used browser on this web site. Of course, Internet Explorer is more heavily used if you count both version 6 and version 7 users. Still, even accounting for that difference,Firefox users represent nearly 40% of the traffic on this web site. And that’s remarkable I think since Firefox holds only about a 14% market share web-wide.

Enough of the…numbers. Yikes, my head is spinning.

But the point is, it would seem that a lot of photographers - at least a lot of the ones visiting this site - are well aware of the tremendous benefits of Firefox. So with that in mind, I thought it might be helpful to share with you my top ten list of favorite photography-relatedFirefox extensions:

Amazing photo-illustrations
I am just gonna hang up my Illustrator prog right now and call it done, these are amazing!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

MTS is stealing photos.

Follow the link to read and see MTS stealing this guy's work for their MTStv guide screens. They've done it twice.

MTS Centre
Fellow Winnipeg Flickerites BEWARE!!!!

:Just a heads up to my fellow Winnipeg Flickerites, please beware!!! .MTS CentreMy photo has been jacked and used in an MTS Advertisement without my consent. I guess I was naive to think that clicking the "ALL RIGHTS RESERVED" setting was going to protect my images in some way. I know some may be asking "how do you know its your photo?" I wanted to make sure myself so I held my laptop up to the TV screen & matched up the light trails of the passing bus (which are very distinct) and matched up the Delirium posters on the wall (from when Cirque came to town). I'm not sure what to do or what I can do but I just wanted to send out a heads up to warn you all.

Flickr: Discussing Fellow Winnipeg Flickerites BEWARE!!!! in Winnipeg

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Seeing Yellow

When you print on a color laser printer, it's likely that you are also printing a pattern of invisible yellow dots. These marks exist to allow the printer companies and governments to track and identify you -- presumably as a way to combat money counterfeiting. When one person asked his printer manufacturer about turning off the tracking dots, Secret Service agents showed up at his door several days later.

Seeing Yellow

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Funny stuff for those in the industry!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Camping 2007

Unless we get a unexpected heat wave that could be it for this year.Check out this cool slide show you can post with from Flickr, it features a hi light reel of camping this summer.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Split Enz - Six Months In A Leaky Boat (1982)

The 20-somethings I worked with this week excited to see Crowded House thought I was crazy to suggest the minds brought us this song, and it was a HIT!

Friday, September 07, 2007

What it's like these days

WTD 297: "Dream Job"

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Thursday, September 06, 2007

Ciao on Location The MTS Centre

Hungarian Salt Crackers

whenever we found ourselves sitting round a table having a beer in Hungary, which is just about all the time, people would put these crunchy cracker things. I found out they make huge batches of them, and thought it would be fun to try it back here in Canada. We sourced out a cast iron maker which took sometime, and finally tried making them this past weekend. A lot more work that I thought, I will know REALLY appreciate these snacks whenever I get them!

Grand Beach Sept Long weekend on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

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Grand Beach Sept Long weekend

Grand Beach Sept Long weekend
Originally uploaded by ianmcc.

Snaps from our long weekend are up on flickr. I know sunsets are the ultimate cliche, but we just love being on the East Beach to see them! I have all three days and they are all different!