Thursday, March 18, 2010

Uof M recent work

_IAN2522, originally uploaded by

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cost U Less

Stocking shelves, originally uploaded by
My recent 5 day trip to the Caribbean produced a "shwack" of images.

(BTW "Shwack" is an industry term meaning more than 32gigs of RAW images!)

As glamourous as it may sound, the majority of the time we spent inside the CostULess stores which are laid out similar to Costco's. We did get to work in our shorts though!

You can hit the link to the image and see a small selection of the kind of images I was making in CostULess.

Monday, March 15, 2010

"I'm five now"

"I'm five now", originally uploaded by

Friday, March 12, 2010

UofM branding

UofM, originally uploaded by

Part of a series that will appear in the food court.

St. Maarten

St. Maarten, originally uploaded by

as part of the coverage for the Cost U less brand of stores, I managed to visited the world famous Sunset Beach in St Maarten. Plane spotters from all over the world come here as it's the best place to shoot planes. I talked to a couple guys who come here a few weeks at a time and shoot everything that comes in. I managed to hang around long enough to see this KLM jumbo.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Vancouver during the Games

Just some of the snaps we took in our very quick trip to see Lynda while she worked at the games. Gorgeous weather and LOTS of people!

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Wednesday, March 03, 2010

St. Maarten

St. Maarten, originally uploaded by

Tuesday, March 02, 2010


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