Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Mac OS X UPS support

I thought I'd pass along this tip in light of last week's Back up strategy presentation.

CreativeTechs Tips: Find Mac OS X's hidden UPS options.

An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is the only way to make sure your studio's servers receive clean, sufficient, and consistent power. In the past, configuring an UPS for Macintosh required tedious fiddling with dubious third-party software. Now the functionality is built directly into the operating system, and the most challenging part of the process is finding exactly where Apple hid those controls.

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In System Preferences (Apple Menu > System Preferences), look in the Energy Saver pane.


When your Macintosh is connected directly to a compatible UPS device via USB you can select UPS from the top pop-up menu. These options are only visible when an UPS device is connected — which is why most people consider them near-impossible to find.

Once you've selected the UPS option, a bevy of previously concealed settings appear for interacting with your device. At the top is the current battery charge, along the model information for the attached device. Below that, you can choose to configure three shutdown options based on minutes you’ve been on battery power, minutes left on battery power, or the percentage of charge left in the battery (generally the most accurate of the three).

APC offers a wide range of models which can accommodate Macintosh workstations or servers.

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Monday, July 30, 2007

Free Wifi in SaskaBUSH

ok I am sure there are lost of reasons why this wouldn't work
here,... but COME ON!!! Sakatchewan is ahead of us?

I saw an article in the Globe about this , this service is not full
high-high speed, but fast enuff and NOT a pilot project to switch to
a paying model, its FREE!


Residents and visitors to the downtown business districts and post-
secondary institutions of Saskatchewan's four largest centres will
soon be able to access the country's largest wireless Internet
network, free-of-charge. Premier Lorne Calvert and Minister
responsible for Information Technology Andrew Thomson made the
announcement today in Saskatoon.

The Saskatchewan! Connected initiative will offer users basic
Internet service in Saskatoon, Prince Albert, Regina, and Moose Jaw
via a wireless Wi-Fi network to be operated by the government
Information Technology Office, SaskTel and other partners. The
service will also be available in select business districts in close
proximity to downtown Saskatoon and Regina.

"Expanding the province's information technology infrastructure was
one of the many ideas presented by Saskatchewan youth at the recent
Youth Summit in Saskatoon," Calvert said. "This exciting initiative
is just one more way of enhancing the progressive image of
Saskatchewan's communities as the best place for young people to
work, live and build strong futures."

Saskatchewan! Connected means users will no longer have to switch
from service to service as they roam around the coverage area. It
will also help to bridge the 'digital divide' by providing no-cost
Internet access to residents of the areas who may be unable to afford
monthly rates for Internet access. Any existing desktop or laptop
computer can be configured with a Wi-Fi adaptor for under $100 and
then connected quickly and conveniently to the free service.

Work on the project will begin shortly, with the service expected to
be available to users this spring. As a publicly-accessible network,
special provisions will be made to prevent access to inappropriate

"The service will help businesses attract customers, while also
benefiting business people visiting our province, youth and others,"
Thomson said. "Saskatchewan! Connected will be the largest free Wi
Fi network in Canada, demonstrating once again that Saskatchewan is a
leader in innovation and technology advancement."

The capital cost of the project will be $1.3 million, with annual
operating costs of $339,000. For more information on the program
please visit www.saskatchewan.ca/connected.

Dude are REALLY buying a Dell?

In October 1997 at the Gartner Symposium and ITxpo97, Michael Dell was asked what he’d do if he was in charge of Apple Computer. Dell responded to an audience of several thousand IT executives “I’d shut it down and give the money back to the shareholders.”
According to Mac Daily News:
  • * A month later Steve Jobs responded “We’re coming after you, you’re in our sights.”
  • * In January 2006 Apple passed Dell in market value, $72,132,428,843 vs. $71,970,702,760 respectively.
  • * In Friday’s intraday NASDAQ trading, Apple’s market value passed 2 times that of Dell’s, $127.81 billion vs. $63.65 billion.So there’s really only one logical thing for Michael Dell to do…

» Shut down Dell and give the money back to shareholders | The Apple Core | ZDNet.com

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More Liam snaps on Flickr

"this one looks like a Na Na"Watching the planes

on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

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Our harvest

Our harvest
Originally uploaded by ianmcc.

Free Apple Seminar in Winnipeg

Streamlining your RAW photography workflow August 15, 2007 - August 15, 2007 , 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

SeminarDescription:Many photographers are using or contemplating a RAW-based photo workflow as well as shooting more photos than ever. New tools and methods of working are needed to keep your workflow running efficiently.Please join Don's Photo and David Morrow, Apple's National Photography Manager, in this interesting exploration of a new breed of workflow technologies.

Who should attend:Professional PhotographersWedding PhotographersEvent PhotographersPhotography Enthusiasts

Apple - Seminars

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Sunday, July 29, 2007

No End In Sight

<object width="249" height="203"><param name="movie" value="http://www.noendinsightmovie.com/trailer.swf"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.noendinsightmovie.com/trailer.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="400" height="240"></embed></object>

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Friday, July 27, 2007

Use an Apple TV as Your Portfolio Theater.


CreativeTechs Tips: Use an Apple TV as Your Portfolio Theater.

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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Trevis at Black Pearl

Trevis at Black Pearl
Originally uploaded by ianmcc.

If you've every spent anytime chatting with Trevis at Black Pearl, this should be a very familar sight. He roasts some of the best coffee in Winnipeg. Well worth the Trip!

Grace Hospital and Sturgeon Creek

Grace Hospital and Sturgeon Creek
Originally uploaded by ianmcc.

You just HAVE to see these images on this site!

Running the Numbers, by Chris Jordan, all rights reserved

Running the Numbers
Interview by Nicole Pasulka
Chris Jordan makes beautiful photographs he hopes will disgust you. His work, on display through July 31 at the Von Lintel Gallery in New York City, takes reports of large-scale waste and consumption out of the realm of statistics and places them squarely in front of our faces.

The Morning News - Running the Numbers

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Proof that The Net is killing Newspapers! :-)

Weekly World News dies after 28 years of awesum, Bat Boy bummed

The final issue of Weekly World News is slated for August 3, 2007.

Lesbian Space Alien and Vegan Vampire Lady could not be reached for comment.As you can see here, Bat Boy remains inconsolable.

Boing Boing: Weekly World News dies after 28 years of awesum, Bat Boy bummed

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New Website full of Wpg photogs

Photo Winnipeg - Our City, Through Our Lenses.

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Reuters Photogs in car fire

‘Allo Paris, we have a problem….. - Reuters Blogs

Thats a 300 2.8 in flames!

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Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Eddie's on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

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North End Special

North End Special on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

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Top Ten Space Walks

Sorry this one came up on Boing Boing. I am sucha sucker for all things Space! Cool images!

Fogonazos: Top 10 Best Spacewalks in History

Extra-vehicular activity (EVA) is work done by an astronaut away from the Earth and outside of a spacecraft. The term most commonly applies to an EVA made outside a craft orbiting Earth (a spacewalk). As of September 13, 2006, 158 astronauts had made spacewalks (out of 448 astronauts ever in space). These are some of the most interesting moments in spacewalks history:

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Get your karaoke groove on with TunePrompter

Get your karaoke groove on with TunePrompter

Griffin Technology now presents TunePrompter, a surprisingly nifty little bit of kit that lets you build your own karaoke lyric videos. The application—available for Windows as well as OS X—closely resembles iMovie, with a preview window and a timeline track at the bottom. Once you import a song (most QuickTime formats are supported, but protected AACs from the iTunes Store are not), a built-in search tool lets you look up lyrics online or you can type them in yourself. Click the Sync Lyrics button to begin playback, and as the track progresses, tap the spacebar to sync up the current line. Before you can drunkenly recite the words to "More Than A Feeling," you've got yourself a professional-looking karaoke lyric movie suitable for playback on, say, a video iPod.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Very cool laser writing on a building

L.A.S.E.R. Tag

Graffiti Research Lab » L.A.S.E.R. Tag

You just GOTTA see the video!

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Portrait on location at Ft Garry

Portrait on loc at Ft Garry
Originally uploaded by ianmcc.

Scenes from the North End

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Friday, July 20, 2007

Dont' take one of me!

Dont' take one of me!
Originally uploaded by ianmcc.

These keep getting funnier!

What The Duck Comic

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

If you wanted to buy me shoes...


Only an old metal head like me would know this graphic is from one of the first two Maiden album featuring that other singer they had! :-)

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WHAT the $%&! do want from me?

WHAT the $%&! do want from me?
Originally uploaded by ianmcc.

When I get hired to come to a business and shoot their setup I always caution my contact to at least inform their staff that I am coming. Even with that advance warning staff people can be less that cordial about getting photographed.

I don't usually single out people but this guy was down right grumpy to me. In a room full of people who work on computers (read: lacking in social skills) this guy was the resident curmudgeon. Ask I approached him to take a turn in front of my lens, people glanced up with smirks and snickers that suggested "Oh shit he is asking Bob, this ought to be good!" All my attempts at humour with this guy only got sterner looks and more giggles from his coworkers.
When I was finally ready to photograph him I asked him to look up and smile. He turned and said soemthing to the effect of " You want me to do what!?" and I grabbed this frame. This was as happy as we got. Meanwhile everyone was thrilled I was poking the resident pitbull with a stick!

I have heard every whining excuse and complaint about how or why I shouldn't photograph someone. Some jobs you can hear this from... every... single... person... all day, and it wears on you.
When they say "I don't want to take my photograph!" sometimes I am tempted to say " I don't want to take your photograph either!" But I don't!

But one of the best rewards to the job is having one of these reluctant subjects emerge from the shoot and say "hey that wasn't so bad, and you know it looks alright!"

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Fresh I E

Fresh I E on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

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NSI student headshots

Shot in the lobby of Artspace just before their creations were screened.As you can see they were a fun bunch!

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Yummy Cake

Yummy Cake
Originally uploaded by ianmcc.

Peace Gardens

Turtle Mtn July Longweekend 2007 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

We drove over to the Internationlal Peace Gardens on Canada Day looking for fireworks. We found out they weren't having them, in typically Canadian fashion, they were "saving them" for the ann of the park in a few weeks!  I can't imagine the 4th of July not being celebrated with fireworks on the US side, they'd find a way to pay for both events! Oh well thats the difference between us and them.

The park was eerily void of people, we stopped at the 9/11 display, remnants of the trade towers on display. The Peace Towers of the park strike a similar pose. They straddle the US-Can border which could be seen for miles, the line cut through the forests.

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Teddy Bear on a stick

Teddy Bear on a stick- FF07
Originally uploaded by ianmcc.

a tarp marker at the Folk fest

Folk fest Then and Now

FF07-Tuvan throat singers on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

here's where I used to be when I was volunteering.

here's here I am now. But you know what? It sounds the same!

These Tuvan throat singers were amazing BTW. over heard from a pair of 18yr old " What effectss pedal is he using?!" "No due that's his VOICE!"

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FF07-mainstage sky

FF07-mainstage sky
Originally uploaded by ianmcc.

A bit late but hey here it is.

Chase Jarvis RAW: New Zealand Spring

If you were wondering how they do those cool locations shoots for NorthFace, watch this video. The crew on this shoot is HUGE. New Zeland looks amazing as well!

Look at the ,.. pez?

Wackiest hot-shoe attachement, hey crazier things have worked. Now if I could have a bubble mker that mounts on a hot shoe wihout covering my camera full of soap, I'd buy that!!

Nikon Forum: Wackiest hot-shoe attachement - photo.net

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