Thursday, August 31, 2006

It looks like editorial — but it's not.

Something to think about...

Common Cents by Mark Loundy - The Digital Journalist: "It looks like editorial — but it's not.

Magazines sell it at premium rates — but it doesn't look like advertising.

Did you ever shoot an editorial assignment and then see it published in a 'Special Advertising Section' or alongside an article with an 'Advertisement' bug over the top of it?

Ad salespeople call it 'advertorial.' Advertorial is advertising that is laid-out and formatted to look like editorial content. Despite the 'Special Advertising Section' disclaimers and different typefaces, the intent is to deceive readers into thinking that it's a regular part of the publication. It's that potential for deception that makes it so valuable to advertisers. Readers simply don't trust what they perceive as advertising.

Publications like Sports Illustrated run hundreds of pages of such sections every year. Newspapers produce special-interest sections (like the Annual Brides tab) that feature positive 'stories' about companies that pay to be in the section. Advertorial is highly profitable.

Major companies like IBM commission slick publications devoted to their products. Although they might resemble editorial magazines, they are just big ads.

Guess what? For freelancers, there ain't no such thing as 'advertorial.' When you're negotiating or billing a job, make sure your 'editorial' assignment is really that. Otherwise, it's plain-old advertising usage and should be billed at the higher ad rate.

Ethics writer Paul Lester could devote a couple of his wonderful columns to discussing the editorial acceptability of advertorial, but I'm all about the biz side here. Les, the ethical ball is in your court." : Microsoft Canada lifts lid on Vista prices

You can fill in any type of Mac OS X inspired smug remarks here. I don't even want to mention how pretty much everyone's hardware will hardly run Vista. I think you'll see more people migrating to Linux over this, oddly enuff.
The main reason for all the fuss on-line is that the prices will be steep: the top-of-the-line version, called Windows Vista Ultimate, will be priced at $499 (all prices are Canadian). Home Premium is listed at $299, Vista Ultimate Upgrade at $299 , while Home Premium Upgrade is $199.

Burns Auto Parts blog

A check list for all the working pro's. From Burns Auto Parts, a creative consultant. | Shake It Up

Fun stuff

Pre-pixelated clothes for Reality TV :

Yah know how on reality TV shows they pixelate the logos on T shirts of contestants to avoid endorsing the companies? Well now you can get the shirts already pixelated!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

retro Wpg You Tube

This is why YouTube is so popular. Someone cataloged all sorts of Wpg based news and sport clips, some of them time capsules of some bad hair and music.
Oh and make sure you watch the exciting opening of the new Portage Place mall It's gonna SAVE downtown!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Monday, August 28, 2006

Summer road trip disc

Don't ask me why but when on our way camping, I seem to crank this in the van all the time. It just seems like the right disc for a Canadian Camping Adventure. He's written a ton of tunes over the years, Early Morning Rain and The Great Canadian Railroad Trilogy, are two tunes I especially enjoy while zooming 'cross the prairies. He's coming in Oct and I might go see him.

You can email pics to Flicker

You can email pics to Flicker
Originally uploaded by ianmcc.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Lil Girl Giant

a very cool video. Trust me, just click.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Long Awkward Pose

This is the REAL reason poin n shoot cameras have video modes. Very funny stuff
"It's simple, really. People look foolish when posing for a picture. So tell your loved ones you would like to take their photo... then secretly videotape them the whole time."

Macworld: Updating the Mac Pro-Dell price comparison

An article in response to the uproar over the Apple Vs Dell article he wrote earlier. Price isn't an issue anymore, some say it never was. Robert, we've lost you to the dark side, will this sway your return?:-)

"Is this a sign of things to come, especially for other Mac models, now that Apple and Windows-PC vendors are using the same hardware? Possibly. But the real significance of the above comparison is that the terms—and the tone—of the Mac/Windows debate have changed in a fundamental way. Over the past decade, the biggest criticism of Macs has been related to price: They’ve been more expensive, sometimes significantly so, than name-brand Windows PCs. That’s clearly no longer the case. Although those who build their own PCs probably won’t be persuaded to buy a Mac, people in the market for a pre-configured computer are discovering that, apart from the feature-lacking low end, where Apple choses not to play, Macs are increasingly price-competitive."

LifeClever:10 tips for keeping your desk clean and tidy

As part of my continuing process of Getting Thinsg Done, I offer this article, tip to keeping your desk tidy.

Merry Christmas!

Today is the end of shooting for the NWC Christmas Catalog. I am already sick of Christmas and it's not even Sept. Is it any wonder I am a scrooge by the time the real one shows up?

Benefits Canada

Shoot for Benefits Canada, A magazine that provides information and news on the pension and benefit industry in Canada.

More Camping Art

These are all from Spruce Woods. The canoe art, well thats just a nice shot, have no idea who they are. Bruce inspired lighting pianitng tricks around the campfire. Harder than you think. My handwriting is terrible at the best of times! The last shot is the early morning-we're up before anythone else-bacon on the campfire-sun rise thorughthe woodsmoke-shot. Mmmm Bacon, on a campfire.

WHO on location

Fwd: Offer to Avid Bloggers!

I emailed her and this sounds legit... so passing it along to the blogsphere.

Begin forwarded message:


Matchstick Inc.

416-530-8000 x 211

I am looking for existing Rogers customers who meet the following


              Hosts a popular blog with 400+ hits a day

              A current Rogers cell phone subscriber (phone only

supported with the Rogers network)

              Between the ages of 22-35

              Keeps his/ her blog updated on a regular basis with

pictures and video

              Very socially active

      This phone will give you a chance to start or continue photo and

Video blogging! We think you will thoroughly enjoy this product and

its features, and if you do, we would encourage you to talk about

it.  If you or someone you know fits these criteria we would love to

hear from you!

P.S. Feel free to blog about this offer so fellow bloggers that qualify

can benefit from this too!

This is a real offer and real bloggers have already received the phone!

Here are some who already got the phone and blogged about it:

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


yet another great weekend. This was the first time Liam stayed awake late enough to see the stars in the sky. He was thrilled. The pic is of the trees lite by campfire and the night sky, shot with the amazing F10.

Shiny Toy Guns

Last night at the pyramid. Small crowd, allprobably through word of mouth or MySpace buzz. Seemed like every second person was documenting the show with some sort of device, camera, phone, video.(see photo) Everyone wants to take home a piece of the show. But it's the new reality, how bands get the word out, a phone pic here, a MP3 there and suddenly their signed on a label. Musically if you like Ultravox, Joy Division, Gary Numan, Ladytron etc, you will dig this stuff.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

hmmm what to get?

Macworld: Review: Mac Pro completes Apple's Intel lineup: "Macworld’s buying advice

There’s now a fairly wide price gap between Apple’s Mac Pro and iMac desktop lines. It’s unclear if Apple has any interest in producing a moderately priced system for power users that’s less expensive than the Mac Pro, but more flexible than the iMac or Mac mini. In the meantime, if you don’t run high-end professional applications and don’t truly need a huge amount of internal storage or access to PCI Express slots (for the impressive video-card options, among other things), you might find that the remarkably powerful 20-inch iMac Core Duo is a much better value.

[Jason Snell is Macworld’s editorial director."

MacDailyNews | Microsoft Security website shows Apple Mac and says ‘you’re clean’ [UPDATED]

"Checking out Microsoft's website home page of 'Microsoft Security' (an oxymoron if there ever was one), MacDailyNews reader 'MadMac' noticed that the image Microsoft is using next to the caption 'Click. You're clean.' is an Apple Mac!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Angry Alien Productions, Sase and Topsie

This one's from Kristen Lynch,... 30 secs versions of popular movies done with animated bunnies. Fast furious and funny!

Apple Making Huge Social Software Push?

This is the next BIG trend, Web 2.0 and social networking. It sounds like Apple is staying ahead of the ciurve on creative solutions.

"Several recent Apple developments suggest that the company is ramping up for a huge push of social features in its software:"

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Misplaced Moon Tapes

Somehow my desk full of CD's DVD's and other media is a but more forgivable now that NASA can't find the original Hi Def tapes of the first Lunar Landing. You can almost hear some geeky NASA gay mutter "Their here SOMEWHERE" while rummaging through piles on his desk. There is some speculation that the tapes couldn't be played when found anyway...

Fixit Guide Apple MacBook, iBook, PowerBook Parts & Repair

In helping Brian work through his crisis of the second power adaptor for his Powerbook breaking off in the plug, we found this site. Great step by step for all sorts of DIY repairs.

In the end he still took his powerbook to Advance.:-)

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Calendar: Create a customized calendar from your digital photographs

another COOL idea that's free. You upload or link to an image, pick the month and make a calendar. The best part is the template to fit a normal CD case. So you can have a desk calendar in no time!

FlipClips:Print Your Short Videos into Magical Flipbooks

Wondering to do with that really cool video clip you captured with your Digicam? Send it in and make a flip book of it!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Wpg Fdn Donor Family

Shot of a donor family for the Wpg Fdn. They did pretty good considerings ome of them had just woken up!

Nygard on location

This was over two days this week. First day was too windy, the next day was too hot. Oh well at least it didn't rain!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

engrish - a photoset on Flickr

funny as heck, badly translated English on a vairety of items

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Reading by campfire

I bought a mini van so I could buy a tent trailer so I could take Liam camping so I could have a moment like this one. Liam is reading his books on his own by the light of the campfire. Suddenly all the money, time and energy to get there is worthwhile. We had a near perfect weekend at Spruce Woods. The campgorund was so quiet, the skeeters were no where to be found, wasn't too hot or cold. I couldn't have asked for a better weekend.

Friday, August 04, 2006

The Backpack Calendar

well I broke down and upgraded to a paying account. Only $5 a month. This gives me access to the latest feature which is a calendar. At first glance you'll think it's pretty bare bones, but after watching the tutorials, you'll realize it has what you need and does away with all the bells and whistles that eventually can bog you down. Take a look.

Thursday, August 03, 2006


always great to work with Kelli. For an upcoming Shop Till You Drop supplement.

Charlotte Observer Photographer Fired For Altering Colors

The fine line between tweaking and latering is closely observed in the news biz
Charlotte Observer photographer Patrick Schneider has lost his job for manipulating the colors in a photo that appeared in Thursday's newspaper.

Schneider has been reprimanded for altering photos before. In 2003, he was stripped of three state-level prizes when contest officials learned some of the photos he entered had been heavily adjusted.

In this case, the problematic image shows a firefighter on a ladder, silhouetted against the sun and a vividly red sky. It was published in color on the front of the paper's local news section.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Essential OSX Hacks n Apps

a very cool list of all the apps you need for Mac OS X.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Woz to drive to South Pole

Oh to be in the back seat of this drive! Buzz Aldrin? He's still got it too!

The Cult of Mac Blog: "Woz to Drive Hydrogen Hummer to South Pole

No, seriously. And it's with Buzz Aldrin.

At Stanford's AlwaysOn Conference, completed last Friday, Steve Wozniak, the always adventurous co-founder of Apple, announced he will take an expedition next year to the South Pole riding in a Hummer H1 powered by hydrogen fuel cells.

Eric J. Savitz of Barron's online followed up after the speech:

Woz explained that he was participating in an expedition planned for December 2007 in which a group will drive Hummers running on hydrogen powered fuel cells from McMurdo Station to the South Pole. Woz said his particular vehicle would be co-piloted by Buzz Aldrin, who walked on the moon in 1969. The expedition is to be filmed in 3D for the director James Cameorn. Woz said that the group has received important advice on the project from the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, which has been running some hydrogen fuel-cell powered

Woz: He's still got it. "