Thursday, December 14, 2006

Bruce Fraser terminally ill

Photoshop news is reporting that Bruce Fraser, noted colour expert and author is terminally ill. When I first got into digital photography in a big way and needed to learn about colour managment and all the issues around it, I'd search for articles by Fraser. He knows his stuff, but can alos explain it in a way most of us can understand.

From the article:

For those who don’t know him, Bruce Fraser is an internationally well known author, consultant and speaker on the topics of digital imaging and color reproduction. In addition to authoring the highly successful Real World Camera Raw with Adobe Photoshop CS2, he has been a contributing editor for Macworld magazine and co-author of the best-selling books Real World Adobe Photoshop CS2 and Real World Color Management, Second Edition, and the recently released Real World Image Sharpening. Bruce has also penned numerous articles, most recently for Bruce is a partner in PixelGenius, LLC. where he designed PhotoKit Sharpener.

Seems the tribute to Fraser and his influence is already being planned for Macworld.

UPDATE: National Association of Photoshop Users has inducted Fraser in their hall of fame. Scott Kelby "I think it's safe to say that this industry wouldn't be where it is today without Bruce's input, advice, and guidance. He's a gifted and talented instructor who has dedicated his life to taking the mystery out of digital imaging technology, and that's why we're proud to honor him as the first recipient of NAPP's Lifetime Achievement Award.”

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