37signals Product Blog: Introducing the Backpack Journal
Think Twitter or Facebook for project management. With this feature, Backpack is getting even more useful for small businesses with maybe 2-8 staff.
Introducing the Backpack Journal
Introducing the Backpack Journal
A few weeks ago we gave everyone a peek at in/out, our internal app for keeping track of who's doing what and what everyone's recently completed.We mentioned that we were considering building it into Backpack.37signals Product Blog: Introducing the Backpack Journal
Today we're pleased to announce that the Journal is now part of Backpack. Just log into your Backpack account and click the Journal tab.
The Journal is available on all plans -- from free to Max.The Journal eliminates the need to constantly ask each other "What are you working on right now?" and "What did you do today?"
Blogged with the Flock Browser
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