Monday, September 04, 2006

Camping 2006: end of the season

Well I'd be the last to call it a summer after Sept Long Weekend, but becuase of our trip, sadly it has to be. We had a blast this first year of camping with Liam in our new trailer. I've managed to learn a lot of things. Here are a few and I am sure I'll come up with a few more:
-There is a world of adventure in the path leading to the bathroom
-How to back a trailer into a site WITHOUT arguing which side is left
-Bacon always smells even better when it's on someone else's fire. mmmmm bacon
-We are "morning people"
-Even sleeping in a tent trailer when it's only +3C, is better than staying in the city
-With enough newspaper you can burn anything!


Blogger Shel Z said...

- A campground is the only place you won't get a second look while carrying around a roll of toilet paper.

5:21 PM  

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