Monday, September 11, 2006

Bibble revisited

In my search for the perfect workflow I gave Bibble a fair shake about a year ago. But you know anything that strays too far from the Photoshop workflow can seem daunting (see Capture One for a more extreme example!) As much as I WANTED to like Bibble as much as some seem to I was alays left feeling like I was missing how to use the program to it's fullest potential. With Nikon Capture NX sucking Wind I wanted to be able to find a program that utilizes the Dual Core of the next gen Macs as I want to upgrade soon.

Seems I wasn't the only one. By great demand the Bibble Lab has created a Learning Centre where you can watch some movies on how to use the program. If you ever tried the functional demo and were left confused, or if you shoot RAW then you really need to revisit the program.

Oh,one tip, surpress preview genneration in the prefs. A big folder of RAW images will load MUCH faster.


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