Saturday, March 03, 2007

Zodiac the movie

Rob and I caught this flick on Friday. I can predict this will be a good renter, as long as you don't start watching it at 9pm! I saw a few people, younger ones, fast asleep and I have to admit I was fighting it myself at one point. Why? Because Zoidac is such a good movie! I know, that doesn't make sense!

If you've seen the trailer or the posters you'd think its the next in a long line of slasher-gross-out flicks, we seem to get one a week, stuff like SAW 1,2,or 3, the Hills Have eyes 1 and 2, etc.

But this film isn't like those slasher flicks because it's based on a true story, one that spans decades, and is about obession that carries across months and years. Virtually every cut to a new scene was subtitled by "2months later", "3 months later"or in one extreme case "4 YEARS LATER!" But this is what true crime is about, a whole lot of time between breaks,and some tenacious people who can't seem to shake the unsolvable.

All the performances are well done, the mention that it is shot on HD is a wash, you wouldn't be able to tell if you didn't know. The period is rendered perfectly with several instances where the technology of the day plays a role in the case.(CSI with all it's tricks probably WOULD have solved this one in an hour.) As well,jusidictional politics plays a part as important as any one character.

Like I said, it will be a great DVD to rent, maybe even the book would be wortha read. In fact I hazard to guess this makes a better book than movie.


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