Thursday, June 15, 2006

Manitoba Spirited Energy - Can you feel it?

Someone tries to do something other than bitch.Let the haters do their thing. Meanwhile, try and look at the whole thing with a positive spin.


Blogger Robert said...

Thumbs-down from me. I haven't seen much of the campaign I like. The slogan, font, and colours are nothing I can relate to.

My slogan ...

--- see it through our eyes

3:32 PM  
Blogger Shel Z said...

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7:05 PM  
Blogger Bruce said...

It didn't knock my socks off, but it is quickly growing on me.
Roberts slogan would work, too.
But even if you don't quite like the colour, a fresh coat of paint can do wonders.
A little revitalising is always a good thing, so if the worst it does is get us to think about why we like living here, it's all good. (and we do LIKE living here, right? inspite of all the whingeing?) It certainly isn't going to scare people away, like say...

... stay the hell out

Although i WOULD wear that t-shirt

7:07 PM  
Blogger Shel Z said...

I've always been a fan of Friendly Manitoba. Are they planning to change our license plates?

7:07 PM  
Blogger Robert said...

I like "Friendly Manitoba" too but I guess it isn't quite the phrase to use for business purposes. Judging by what I have read about the launch for the campaign, it does seem to be business oriented.

My problem with the colour, font, and symbols is that it seems too seasonal and will look out of place when fall and winter arrive. Maybe there is a part 2 to the campaign and it will all come together.

8:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like "Manitoba - its on your way to Alberta!" for everyone heading to the oilpatch.


2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Spirited Energy" doesn't roll off the tongue for me, but once I saw the video, I warmed up to it. I like the swirly effects and colours way more than brown-bison-friendly-Mani-toe-poo. I also like the imagery in the "Can you feel it Billboards". Nice. The reason I don't like the phrase "Friendly Manitoba" is because it violates the number one rule of branding; that is, if you want people to think you're friendly, DON'T SAY IT. That's like me saying I'm the swellest guy around. As soon as I say it, people don't believe it. You have to use imagery or some other expression to say you're friendly. Where the new campaign works for me is that it comes off free-spirited and playful, however, this message could have gone even further. The video, for example, gets a little dry at times and comes off too, "Chamber of Commerce" for my liking. But overall it's not bad.

I think Manitobans are their own worst enemy. No wonder the 20-something's are leaving town; we've all turned into old farts!

I'm with Gail Asper when, during one of her Human Rights Museum speeches, she threw her hands in the air exasperated and told Manitobans to dream big! Gawd, I couldn't agree more. I don't want to do business with the status quo. I want to work with people that give a darn and grow.

As for the 2-million dollar price tag? Are you kidding me? That's it? Any serious brand out there spends that in a day.

I'm with Ian on this one. The haters can eat my shorts. That doesn't apply to you Rob. I still love you and I like your slogan too. :)


9:53 PM  

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