Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Rise and Sprawl

This quote sums it up:

"Instead of wondering why the young abandon Winnipeg, perhaps we should start asking why Winnipeg has abandoned it's young."


Blogger Shel Z said...

Maybe it's because I'm still in the honeymoon phase (I've only lived in Winnipeg for 20 years, not 40). Maybe it's because I'm delighted that Winnipeg doesn't turn its back on anyone no matter how poor or sick. Maybe it's because I know for sure things could be a lot worse. But for crying out loud, I am SO SICK of this Winnipeg bashing. Our glass is getting fuller all the time.

11:33 AM  
Blogger Ian said...

Things could be a lot worse,true. But with some real vision, things could be a whole lot better. I guess that's why I am so frustrated. I LOVE this city and want it to be everything it should be!
And your right part of it is perception, we're our own worst enemies at times. That's my beef, the lack of vision from the pwoers that be to take this city to the enxt level. Instead 1200 new pork processing jobs are something to be excited about?

11:47 AM  
Blogger Robert said...

And here is the new trend - Alberta businesses recruiting high school graduates from Manitoba. I must say that would be tempting.

My message to those considering such a move would be, the choice is yours. If you move, compare where you live from where you came from. And remember that you are always welcome back.

My brother who works in Calgary has a few examples of people who have moved back from Alberta to Manitoba. The primary reason - family.

12:51 PM  

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