The Rise and Sprawl
A local blog about urban sprawl, an issue at play in this town as the real estate boom transfrom our tired little burg into yet another strip-malled drive way. We should really try and learn from the mistakes of other centres as they sprawlled out over the last 20 years and be different. This article deals with development at the Forks. An excerpt:
The Rise and Sprawl: "Using Corydon Avenue as a comparison, the length of the Corydon strip from Nassau to Lilac Street, is just under one kilometre (or a 10 minute walk). This is the same distance from the Forks Market to the corner of Waterfront Drive and Lombard Avenue. The average person finds no objection to walking this length along Corydon, but would never bother traversing that same length at The Forks. This is because of contrasting built environments: one is geared towards human activity, and another is geared only towards easy automobile traffic movement and storage. Creating at the outer parts of The Forks the same welcoming pedestrian environment that streets like Corydon enjoy, would do much to add vibrancy to Waterfront Drive, the Exchange District, and to Downtown south of Portage Avenue. This connectivity will also turn around and contribute to The Forks’ success."
The Rise and Sprawl: "Using Corydon Avenue as a comparison, the length of the Corydon strip from Nassau to Lilac Street, is just under one kilometre (or a 10 minute walk). This is the same distance from the Forks Market to the corner of Waterfront Drive and Lombard Avenue. The average person finds no objection to walking this length along Corydon, but would never bother traversing that same length at The Forks. This is because of contrasting built environments: one is geared towards human activity, and another is geared only towards easy automobile traffic movement and storage. Creating at the outer parts of The Forks the same welcoming pedestrian environment that streets like Corydon enjoy, would do much to add vibrancy to Waterfront Drive, the Exchange District, and to Downtown south of Portage Avenue. This connectivity will also turn around and contribute to The Forks’ success."
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