Saturday, January 21, 2006

Bose noise canceling headphones

While Kev's attempts to convince me to buy a PSP don't seem to work, he did manage to convince me to spend the cash for these headphones. How did he do it? Simple, on the flight from Minni to San Fran, he offered them to me to try. 1.5 hrs later I was sold. I took advantage of the strong dollar, bought them at the


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Apple Store link is stale. . 'timed out' is what you get when you click on it. .


10:58 AM  
Blogger Ian said...

Oh well, if you really want to seem them you'll find em!

5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You still need to buy a PSP. All of you do. C'mon, this is getting ridiculous already. :-)


9:20 PM  

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