Friday, October 07, 2005

New Capote Film Draws On Avedon's Influence

A few different reasons to read this article about the making of the poster image for the film Capote. Avedon's influence of course, but there is a local reference at the end. I have no idea where they made this movie, perhaps here? You won't look at the poster the same way again.

In Cold Blood was a movie I watched in school. Maybe it was high school, it could have even been Jr High when I first saw, which is kinda screwy when you think of it. I think the English teacher showed it to us, instead of making us read the book. This was Sturgeon creek and film adaptations suddenly available on the new VHS format were a quick way of exposing our motley crew to "books".

Of course watching it in the 80's before Silence of the Lambs, or CSI or anything else about killing people, it was pretty powerful stuff. It still is a pretty powerful movie by today's standards. This Capote movie deals with his relationship with the killers in making the book. I hear it's quite good.

UPDATE: checking the IMDB listing I recognize several locals involved. Who knew, I thought only shitty movies were made here!


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