Saturday, October 16, 2004

Mercedes the dog

It's been a few weeks now. Only now I can do this. It's been really hard, she had a huge impact on our lives. A larger one on Lynda's of course cuz she's had her since a puppy. But dogs have a way of getting under yer skin and into your heart. This one managed to really get me. She was just a great great dog full of personality. I could write for ages on how many funny little things about her there were. I've had dogs growing up and have been with a lot of dogs but this one was special. I'll mention only two:

-She had the ability to smile at you. Dalmatians do this commonly as a breed. She curled her lips up and smiled at you when she was really happy to see you! It was amazing!

-She liked the lilac bush on the front of our yard, she was walk around it and slowly get into it and sorta hid in it. She liked it when we found her in there and asked what she was doing. She'd just stand there and seem to say " You can't see me! Come and find me!" Apparently she did this with a big potted plant lynda used to have.

I post these snaps up here cuz this is how I will remember her, funny and loving and always hungry!


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