Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Lancaster bomber in Winnipeg

Lancaster bomber in Winnipeg, originally uploaded by

I'm not much of a plane nut. Not compared to some! But as a dad, you watch read and learn about planes trains and the like, and you grow to appreciate them.
The only planes I get really excited about are WW2 era. When I was a kid, between say 5-12 it was the time before Star Wars and it's marketed mythology. Back then we played WW2. we watched that documentary series on WW2 that played on CKND every weekend. And of course we studied the gear. Once a year CKND would play the movie "Battle of Britain" and we'd play that every recess for awhile.
Monday, driving down the Trans Canada, my heart skipped a beat when this Lancaster bomber flew over me at aprox 1000ft. We watched it fade away in the distance.
So I dropped by to see it leave. Very exciting when all four engines fired up, and it did a fly-by, on it's way back to Ontario.


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