Monday, January 12, 2009

Dymanic B&W

Macworld 2009
Originally uploaded by
If you've looked at my snaps from Macworld, you might have noticed I picked up the Panasonic LX3. Several people, at least 6 different people onthe expo floor, told me without any prompting that they LOVE their LX3. So far, I do too!
Commonly compared to Canon's G10 it's typically a P&S for someone who has a bigger camera and just wants to do something small and light. The options on this camera are pretty deep, and I haven't even read the thick manual on how it all works. The one thing I have seen that immediately attracted me to it, is the amazing quality of the B&W images that come straight out f the camera. This grab shot of Kev on the walk home from the Expo is an example of that. Nothing else done to it, nothing, nada, when it comes to B&W thats kinda rare. I hope to put the camera through it's paces more in the weeks to com.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bought a Lumix FX30 about six months ago, and the reason I bought it, was the 28mm lens. . and I agree, the b&w straight out of this little P&S is great, but the colour is terrible. . so I only use it in B&W, or in colour when I shoot video, which is terrific in the 16:9 30fps mode. . .

3:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry. . it was me - Doug - that wrote that last comment about the FX30 camera. .

3:49 PM  

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