Monday, January 14, 2008

Radiohead - In Rainbows - Music - New York Times

So the latest album was availble online  and you could pay what you want, including nothing at all. Did Radiohead make out ok at the end?... according to them and NYTimes, yes they did.

Factoring in free downloads, ComScore said the average price per download was $2.26. But it did not specify a total number of downloads, saying only that a “significant percentage” of the 1.2 million people who visited the Radiohead Web site,, in October downloaded the album. Under a typical recording contract, a band receives royalties of about 15 percent of an album’s wholesale price after expenses are recovered. Without middlemen, and with zero material costs for a download, $2.26 per album would work out to Radiohead’s advantage — not to mention the worldwide publicity.
Radiohead - In Rainbows - Music - New York Times

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