The Hills Have Eyes
Dbenson, a shooter on the WPGphoto board, spotted us shooting the outerwear for Ricki's down at the Forks. This is a huge crop from a wide frame but you get the idea of the set up. I put some of the people standing around to work,by gettng them to hold reflectors and diffusors. It was for an outerwear campaign to run in the fall.
We had all sorts of people come up and ask questions, like where do you buy those "photo things", how much is your camera worth, etc. At one point we had some 20-something girls who asked if we were "like, taking" photography. We didn't understand at first, then it dawned on us, they thought we were in school! No, we replied, we do this for real, like, as a LIVING. "Wow, that would be, like sooooo cool to do that!" they said as they walked away, spooning their slurpees.
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