Friday, January 13, 2006

The Cult of Mac Blog

kev tried to interview these kids, they were wild untamablle litle iPod freaks. When the mother asked where the video was going and we replied Canada, she scaned up at the sky, swayed abit back in forth and murmmered "Caaaanada,... oh Caaaanada,do you know a Father Kahney in Canada?" Um no and keep up those meds lady!

The Cult of Mac Blog: "Rugrat Marketing at Macworld
Topic: Macworld
Kahney kids at Macworld

Yeah, those 'exploited children' over at Gizmodo are my progeny. My wife took them down to Macworld to promote my Cult of iPod book.

She dressed our three boys in cardboard iPod costumes, and our daughter as a silhouette iPod dancer.

I wasn't exactly comfortable with the idea, but it achieved its objective. They got their pictures in the paper, which absolutely thrilled them (Exploited kid one; exploited kid two), and she handed a flyer to the scores of people who snapped their picture.

Plus, the kids had a blast. Look at all the free crap they got. This is just a portion of it. My daughter separated hers and stashed it elsewhere.

Macworld freebies

They got eight pairs of gloves, a ton of flashing necklaces, half-a-ton of stickers and pins, Postit pads, spring-loaded jumping frogs, badge holders, a gazillion pens, rubber wristbands, iPod covers, some cellphone cleaner thingies, etc., etc.

What was the best stuff they got?

Lyle (the youngest): 'Candy.'

Olin: 'Candy.'

Milo: 'The wristbands, and candy.'

Nadine (the oldest): 'The Yoyo, a mini Sharpie, a fish screensaver, a helicopter spinner and a squeezy stress ball. And candy.'

Here's more of the little angels. "


Blogger Unknown said...

um do you know who i am im one of the kids posting you said im a little ipod freak and your pictures suck and never call my mom a lady i bet shes more beautiful than youre wife

2:16 PM  

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